PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a procedure that utilizes platelets, containing growth factors, from a patient’s own blood to stimulate stem cells and produce new collagen. With the production of new collagen, we see a great improvement in the texture of the skin. This treatment is ideal for “crepey” skin and fine lines.

This procedure can also be combined with traditional dermal fillers, in which case you receive an immediate result as well as the long-term benefits of your own tissues producing a more firm, youthful appearance.

What to expect during treatment:

The treatment itself will take approximately 60 minutes due to preparation time. First, blood must be drawn from you. We then separate the blood cells and draw out the “liquid gold”/PRP. Depending on the treatment you choose, we can apply the PRP on top of the skin with your micro-needling treatment, injected directly into the area (hair restoration) or injected underneath (eyes, jawbone, necklines, around the lips). Depending on the treatment choice, we can apply topical numbing cream to keep you comfortable. 

Who is a good candidate for PRP?

  • You are 18 years old or older

  • In overall good health

  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding

  • This treatment is not ideal for those who have blood disorders, undergoing anticoagulation therapy, anemia or an active infection.

  • Hair Restoration: those who are at the early stages of thinning hair, that still have partially active hair follicles. Those with advanced hair loss may see results at a slower rate or require more treatment.

Before & After